Day of Remembrance for Victims of Road Traffic Accidents

The third Sunday of November has been recognised in many European countries for several years as the Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims.

In Resolution A/RES/60/5 adopted in October 2006, the United Nations General Assembly invited Member States and the international community to recognize the third Sunday in November every year as the World Day of Remembrance. As a result, this day is being observed in an increasing number of countries and continents.

Every day, about 3,000 people die and around 100,000 are injured on the world’s roads.

A service in Knock shrine will take place at 12 noon 18th November and members from all the emergency services including the Gardai are been invited.

“One of the purposes of these services is to spread awareness. The many persons who lose their lives to a traffic accident is a global issue and these services will reflect that,” Could you please forward this information onto the churches in your diocese so they can put this information in their news letters.Thank you once again for your help.


Noel Gibbons
Road safety officer
Mayo County Council
Aras an Chontae

Direct line: 094 9047115
Fax:         094 90278825

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