Mission in Cong Parish

A Mission for the whole parish of Cong, Cross and the Neale will be conducted by St. Patrick’s Community, Carrik on Shannon from Monday
24th September to Friday 28th September 2012. St. Patrick’s Community consists of four young lay people who have had turbulent lives
and have come to a great sense of how God works in their lives and the lives of people. The focus of their presentations will be how
God reveals his love, mercy and forgivness in the bits and pieces of ordinary lives and they give witness from their own experiences.
The Mission will be in Cong church Monday to Friday at 7.30pm. An early Mass at 7.00am in The Neale on Monday and Wednesday and in Cross
on Tuesday and Thursday. Mass in Cong church Monday to Thursday at 10.0am. No Mass on Friday morning as the Mission conludes with Mass
of the Holy Spirit in Cong church at 7.30pm on Friday night. We ask people to pray for the success of the Mission.

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