Homily for Vigil Mass for St. Patrick’s Day

Friday, 14th March, 2008.

On St. Patrick’s Day we celebrate our Irishness and our faith.  For so long in our history they have been intertwined, perhaps at times identified.  As a result we may have been tempted to take our faith for granted.  Admittedly we did not have to fight for it or die for it as our ancestors did.  They were challenged by their faith and responded generously to that challenge.

Today, Irish people all over the world and we here at home rejoice in the new opportunities which are available in our country – for education, unemployment and a good quality of life.  Indeed many of our exiles will tell you that they regret the fact that these opportunities were not available to them before they emigrated.

In the past the challenge to our faith came from outside of ourselves – from Penal Laws and from oppressive regimes.  Today the challenge is not so obvious and it comes from within ourselves.  Faith is not something that has myths of compartmentalisation; rather it impinges on all areas of human living.  Today there is probably no area of life in which faith is not being challenged and in which it does not have a significant contribution to make.

As individuals and families, whether in our work, socialising, education or whatever, our faith impinges or we can refuse to allow it to do so.

At times we misinterpret and misunderstand the nature of faith.  Great faith is not a faith that walks in the light and knows no darkness.  Real faith perseveres inspite of God’s seeming silence.

When one considers the obstacles with which Patrick contended – taken captive from his own people and his home, slavery on Slieve Mish, eventual escape and yet prepared to return as a missionary and preach Christ’s gospel to those who had held him captive.

The wholeheartedness and single mindedness of Patrick are clear pointers to his faith.  He is a man of flesh and blood whose whole life was fed on faith in God’s love.  Faith must have been a struggle for him, as it is for you and me.  In the experience of slavery it must have been tempting for him to abandon faith and yield to despair.  Yet he recognised his real helplessness and turned to God as a helper and a true friend.

Slavery in the 21st century takes on a more sinister and subtle form.  Work, pleasure, comfort, the celebrity status.

Almost unnoticed God can be excluded and pushed out to the margins of life in a busy competitive world.  With so many voices clambering for our attention we have to make and effort to keep the lines of communication open with God in prayer and in our participation at Mass and the sacraments.

In a confused and complex culture we need a compass to provide us with a sense of direction.  Enabling us to cope with and respond to the various challenges which meet us every day.  I am convinced that faith, properly understood and genuinely lived can provide us with such a compass.  Faith can enable us to see beneath and beyond the situations in which we find ourselves.  Just as in Patrick’s life, faith made it possible for God to enter, so in our lives faith makes it possible for God to become involved in our busy world and our hectic activity.  As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy celebration and pray that the faith that Patrick brought to our shores will sustain all of us in challenging times.

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